
Supplier at DEAS Group

Being a supplier at DEAS Group

DEAS Group manages properties on behalf of investors, homeowners’ associations, housing cooperatives and social housing organisations.

One of the tasks we carry out is buying goods and services for the properties on behalf of our clients. That is why it is important to us that suppliers and collaborators understand our role, policies and the foundation of our business.

We expect all our suppliers to meet our purchasing policy, ethical standards, and other requirements. We also expect them to familiarise themselves with our role as buyer and their role as supplier before engaging in collaboration with us.

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Supplier at DEAS Group

Purchasing policy

The clients of our clients are for example tenants, owners/shareholders, and other users of the properties we manage. The main purpose of our purchasing policy is to achieve the best possible conditions for our clients based on total cost considerations (price, quality, service) and to focus on specific values such as ethics and the environment. To achieve this, DEAS Group acting as a client on behalf of our clients. That is why it is important to us that all benefits, discounts and bonus agreements go directly to the client.

Our ethical standards

Our success is based on good business habits and our core values, i.e. we determined to be thorough and proper in everything we do. This also applies to our selection of and collaboration with suppliers.

That is why we have created ethical standards for suppliers as a natural extension of our membership of the Danish Property Union, where we are obliged to comply with the industrys adopted ethical standards for property management.

The standards describe the general guidelines of our relations with suppliers and contain various ethical, social and environmental requirements that we expect all our suppliers to comply with.

We see this set of standards as an integral part of our collaboration with individual suppliers. We also believe that respecting them will entail competitive advantages for us and our suppliers.

We believe that people and the environment should be treated properly. Moreover, we require that the suppliers we collaborate with treat their employees and the environment properly too and comply with any applicable legislation at the minimum.

In the event of serious or repeated neglect, we reserve the right to terminate collaboration.


Supplier at DEAS Group

We use electronic invoicing

Remember to send your invoice electronically.