About DEAS

Data request

Data request

You have a set of special rights when we process personal data about you. Read more about them in our privacy policy. You can make use of your rights, including objecting to our processing, by contacting us via the forms below.


To ensure that we only provide information to the right person, it is necessary to verify your identity before we can respond to your request. Therefore, you must fill out the form digitally and sign it with your MitID. Signing is done via the company Penneo.

If you do not have MitID, you can visit one of DEAS' regional offices in person. Here you fill out the form on paper and present a photo ID (driving licence, passport or similar).

Response to request

We expect to respond to your request within one month. You will receive the response via email with a link to a page where you need to log in with MitID. If you do not have MitID, you can show up in person at one of DEAS' regional offices and receive a response by presenting a photo ID (driving licence, passport or similar).

Data request

You have the right to know what information DEAS A/S processes about you, so that you can check that the information is correct.

Exceptions: If access to your own data is violating the rights and freedoms of others, your request may be denied.

You can have incorrect information adjusted if the accurate information can be documented.

DEAS A/S may store, use and process your personal data when there is a legitimate basis for processing that makes the processing necessary. This may, for example, be applicable contractual relationships (e.g. rental agreement or membership in an owner or co-operative housing association), legislation and consent.

In these cases, your data will not be deleted.

Filing a complaint about data

You can always file a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority such as the Danish Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet).