Are you going on a longer study stay or business trip?

Apply for Subletting

Apply for subletting

As a tenant, you have the right to sublet your entire apartment or one or more rooms. If you want to sublet your apartment, you must fill out and sign this form and send it to us no later than 1½ months before the start of the subletting period.

Please be aware that the following conditions must be met:

  • You must be able to show us documentation that your subletting is temporary and due to illness, business trip, posting abroad, study stay, or sim

    ilar. Documentation can be, for example, a fixed-term employment contract, a doctor's certificate, or an agreement for a study stay.

  • The subletting period must not exceed 2 years (in a continuous period). You must make a written sublease contract with a fixed-term sublease period with the person to whom you are subletting your apartment or room (your tenant).

  • You must send a copy of the sublease contract along with this form to DEAS before the subletting period begins.

  • DEAS must receive the application no later than 1½ months before the start of the subletting period.

  • If you want to partially sublet your apartment, you may only sublet up to half of the apartment's living spaces. And

    the number of residents in the entire apartment must not exceed the number of living spaces.

  • The person to whom you are subletting cannot take over the apartment when the subletting period expires, regardless of whether you choose to terminate the apartment or not.

  • As a tenant, you are responsible for ensuring that the rent is paid, that rules are followed, and that the apartment is not damaged or neglected