Get the right advice for your property investment

What customers and tenants say about DEAS Group

Advisory based on analysis

It is crucial to us that our investors and tenants are satisfied with the services we provide, and we are not afraid to ask if that is the case. It is our experience that this leads to higher satisfaction because the valuable insights from surveys ensure that we can meet wishes and needs in a timely manner.

As a manager, we are aware of the responsibility entrusted to us. We conduct various analyses to gain specific insights into tenants' needs, desires, and behavior, allowing us to advise you as an investor in the best possible way.

Gain valuable insights into tenants' assessments

At DEAS Group, we conduct annual residential and commercial tenant surveys to provide you as an investor with unique insights into tenants' assessments of both the properties and our services. 

We analyze tenants' responses and present the results to you as an investor, giving you a unique insight into tenants' assessments of both your property and DEAS Group's services, which we can then use as a basis for further improvement.

Express your opinion and get even better advice

As an investor, you will also be offered the opportunity to participate in a satisfaction survey, where you can evaluate your collaboration with DEAS Group and help us improve even further.

Susanne Randrup Madsen
Susanne Randrup Madsen
Client Manager